
Here are other quick important facts regarding Coca Leaf:

  • Coca Leaf is not synonymous with cocaine.  The Coca Leaf does not even contain what is known as “cocaine”   Cocaine is a derivative of from one alkaloid called   , of which there is .001% of in the coca leaf.  Cocaine is an end product that is only possible after severe manipulation and isolation is done to the plant with 40+ chemicals, many of which are toxic.
  • Coca Leaf is not a drug, it is a revitalizer much like tea and coffee, but is healthier than coffee.  Also, energy is not the only quality the leaves deliver.
  • Coca Leaf does not cause physical dependence.  The desire for natural Coca Leaf can be abandoned indefinitely, without suffering physical or psychological effects.  No withdrawal symptoms occur, even after prolonged use.
  • The Coca leaf is food, and it is extremely nutritious.  According to a study published by Harvard University in 1975 (Duke, J., D. Aulik and T. Plowman, Nutritional Value of Coca), chewing 100 grams of coca is enough to satisfy the nutritional needs of an adult for 24 hours. Given its high levels of vitamins, minerals calcium, proteins, and vitamins such as A,  and E, and other nutrients it contains, the plant is more applicable to the field of human nutrition than in medicine, where it is commonly used today.
  • It is an ideal source of vitamins and minerals, particularly phosphorous and vitamin B complex, which is quite beneficial for the well-being and performance of the brain.
  • The two natural sources of energy come from nutrition and oxygen. Coca Leaf is a high quality source that provides both.
  • Aside from its nutritional attributes Coca Leaf can function as an efficient natural antidepressant and anesthetic.
    It does not strike the pleasure centers of the hypothalamus